The Paying Attention Radio program airs on WCAP (980AM) in Lowell ( Valley Patriot publisher Tom Duggan talks about news of the week and provides a unique perspective on what in the news and what is... and is NOT... news. Saturdays from 10AM to noon (Eastern). Paul Murano is co host and the show is produced by George Papoulias. The program covers local state and national events.
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Saturday, December 26, 2009
Podcast December 26th Paying Attention
Warren Shaw took me to task on his program and we went at it so when my how came up I gave it right back. It seems Mr. Shaw has a problem with the truth and is such a little sissy that he can't handle when people criticize him, so we took care of that today.
We also talked about the Governor's visits to Lawrence and Lowell. The Lawrence visit resulted in a press conference with Willie Lantigua, mayor elect and by the time it was over Nobody had anything to say. No announcements, no new information, but Tom Duggan had a question as he did when the Governor came to Lowell and didn't really have anything at all to say except that he disbursing stimulus money really, really fast! Loads of fun this week as we wrapped up the year!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Podcast December 5th Paying Attention
Tracey Watson, chairman of the North Andover School Committee calls in to talk about the Menorah/Christmas controversy in town. Watson reveals teh back story behind the controversies that have captured nationwide attention. Also, former N.A. Selectman Don Stewart who plays Santa every year called in and went after current selectmen for not handling the situation correctly. Continued audio clips of Lawrence Councilor Grisel Silva's very bizarre interview.
Shawn Hansen calls in to talk about his new Comedy Corner column in the Valley Patriot.
Breaking news that the Lawrence School Committee will begin firing proceedings against Wilfredo Laboy. Tom announces for the first time that The Valley Patriot will be carried in Market Baskets, Hannafords and Big Lots chains. The Eagle Tribune continues to lie about Superintendent Laboy's status in the schools by referring to him as "suspended Superintendent Wilfredo Laboy" when he has never been disciplined by the school committee... EVER!
Lawrence Attorney Bob O'Koniewski calls in to talk about the schools and the financial situation in Lawrence and discusses the political correctness behind the state's lack of actions.
Tom reveals the background on the firing of Bill Arvanitis the city inspector who was fired by Mayor Sullivan and the back story behind the layoff of Peter Blanchette.
Podcast November 28th Paying Attention
Podcast November 28th Paying CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
Discussions about the Menorah being rejected by the North Andover Board of Selectmen for an eight day display. And what is the motivation of people who try to wipe Christmas from the public square. Haverhill Mayor Jim Fiorentini calls in to go toe to toe with Tom on the congressional race and Deval Patrick. The insane policy in the Chelmsford School System prohibit a Parent Teacher Organization form selling green and red tissue paper because it might offend some god-hating moron. The principal of the school refused to even show up for a meeting on the issue. A long Christmas discussion on separation of church and state which Thomas Jefferson never believed in.Tom has fun with local caller Tennis Lilly by pretending to him and arguing for socialism and attacking religion.
An interview with Massachusetts candidate for governor Christy Mihos. And Clips of Parts two and three of the MOST BIZARRE INTERVIEW EVER with Lawrence Councilor Grisel Silva. Why Tom will not support Charlie Baker or Deval Patrick for Governor next year and why he supported Mike Capuano for Senate.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Podcast November 14th Paying Attention
Lawrence Mayor Mike Sullivan discusses his 8 years as mayor. Sullivan defends his position not to fire Superintendent of Schools Wilfredo Laboy, the budget crisis in Lawrence and Mike does lots of what he does best.... candy coating everything. Also, hysterical clips of Tom Duggan's interview with Councilor Grisel Silva.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Podcast November 7th Paying Attention
Methuen Mayor Billy Manzi and Methuen Council President Debbie Quinn drop in to chat about the Methuen and Lawrence elections, the boat ramp in the West End and the future of the Methuen schools. Tom does an overview of the elections in Lawrence and Methuen and lays out the power and control Willie Lantigua will have in the city come January. Tom also plays clips of fire chief Takvorian from the paper mill fire last week.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Saturday, October 31st
The pre-election edition of the Paying Attention! radio program. Lawrence Mayoral Candidate Dave Abdoo, District E School Committee Candidates Peter Larocque, Mark Gray and Mr. Maali debate, a rundown of the Lawrence and Methuen for mayor, city council and school committee. Methuen councilor Joe Leone drops in and a discussion about Lantigua's desperate attack fliers that were mailed out last week and received in Lawrence homes on Friday.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Podcast of October 24, 2009
In the first hour we spoke with former State Representative Jose Santigao about his friendship with Willie Lantigua and where they went wrong, why he now supports David Abdoo and the history of animosity between he and Lantigua. Methuen Mayor Bill Manzi came in for the second hour. Robert Okoniewski weighs in on the upcoming elections in Lawrence and Methuen. Clips from Dave Abdoo's campaign rally where he calls for the firing of Wilfredo Laboy and links Willie Lantigua with Wilfredo Laboy.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Podcast of October 17, 2009
In the first hour we chatted with Bob Okoniewski about the Lawrence elections and in the second hour THE GLOVES CAME OFF in the Central District as Methuen City Councilors Jack Cronin, Phil Lahey and challenger Fadi Chahine went at it over everything from the charter study to the downtown area. in the third hour we talked about Lawrence mayoral candidate Willie Lantigua endorsing Billy Mani in Methuen. Manzi called in and threw a temper tantrum and lied about the endorsement (we caught him though) and ended the show on a very exciting note. DON"T MISS NEXT WEEK as Manzi and DiNuccio the two candidates for Mayor of Methuen go toe to toe in what HAS to be an exciting debate! Also next week the West End Council Debate for Methuen and on the 31st Lawrence debates.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Tom Interviews Mr. Hamayoun Maali from Iran who is running a sticker campaign for the Lawrence School Committee. Maali has employed a very DIFFERENT style of campaigning whereby he has called all the white people in his neighborhood a bunch of white racists and has encouraged them to move the hell out of Lawrence when the "Spanish American" Willie Lantigua wins the mayors race in November. Maali also insulted and tunted the Dave Abdoo supporters. candidate Dave Abdoo called in and confronted Maali as well as discussed his vision for the city. it was a HYSTERICAL show as Maali tries to explain why he is insulting the very people he is seeking votes from, cals Wilfredo Laboy a "racist" and comes out with some really bizarre accusations. IT"S DON"T MISS RADIO FOR SURE!
Paying Attention Saturday October 3, 2009
It was one of the most fun and energetic shows in a long time. State Rep. Willie Lantigua (da chief) was endorsed by failed mayoral candidates Marcos Devers, Israel Reyes, Nilka Alvarez Rodriguez, Isabel Melendez, and Patrick Blanchette. Blanchette and Reyes attack mayoral candidate Dave Abdoo for representing a white neighborhood in South Lawrence. Follow along as Tom brings you through the hypocrisy of the claims made at this event and muses at the motivations behind the outrageous accusations hurled.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Podcast of the September 26, 2009 program
It was four hours of election analysis, a breakdown of the votes, who supported whom, who STILL didn't fill out their campaign finances and what happens now between Willie Lantigua (da chief) and Dave Abdoo? It's a show not to be missed! We give you the inside on what happened election day and why! Audio Clips of the election debates, candidates acting goofy and the rules of voting as well as who won (and why) as well as election predictions for the November 3rd final election. Why Pat Blanchette was such a miserable failure on election day, how much money did Israel Reyes spend and who is Julia Silverio going to support?
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Podcast of Saturday, September 19, 2009
Audio Clips of the South Lawrence East Debate for the ten mayoral candidates in Lawrence, an analysis of each race in Lawrence's primary election next Tuesday, some interviews with the candidates who did not file their campaign finances, and a wrap up of the major candidates in each race.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Podcast of the Paying Attention! Radio Program Saturday, August 28, 2009
Lawrence City Councilor (and mayoral candidate) Dave Abdoo calls in to talk about his candidacy for mayor and embattled mayoral candidate Israel Reyes calls in to talk about his candidacy as well as the school department scandal.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Podcast of the Paying Attention! Radio Program Saturday, August 22, 2009

Lawrence mayoral candidates participtaed in a debate on August 20th at Casa Dominicana on Garden Street. Paula and Tom Discussed the topics of the debate and played audio clips of each candidate. Hilights: Israel Reyes advocated jobs for felons, Willy Lantigua (da-chief) was not present, though he was well represented with a shrine picture (complete with a light beneath it) and at least two of his canidates in the race present. Nunzio DiMarca advocates a human rights commission, Dan Cotnoir advocates bringing in the Guardian Angels, Dave Abdoo wants an "outside body" to investigate internal affairs issues in the police department, and Patrick Blanchette wants "sensativity training" for police officers. Haverhill Mayor Jim Fiorentini called in to talk about his announcement for reelection last week, and part one of an interview with Jerry Mulligan, president and CEO of Riverbank.
Podcast of the August 15th Paying Attention! Radio Program
Monday, August 10, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Podcast of Saturday, August 1, 2009
Breaking news: Patrick Blanchette re-enters the mayor's race, Martha Levitt pulls nomination papers for City Council on Prospect Hill. Michael Vic tortured dogs and now may play for the Patriots, Barack Obama's racist views on white people. Methuen Councilor Jean Pappalardo calls in to talk about the Methuen Charter Change question, Joe Pappalardo also weighs in and Methuen Councilor Phil Lahey calls to discuss Methuen issues.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Podcast of Saturday, July 25, 2009
The Lawrence firefighters were before the city council this week trying to stop the closure of two, possibly three fire stations. Budget and Finance Director Mark Andrews said he "found" money to not only keep the three stations open but, hire 19 firefighters. Mayor Sullivan says there is "no found money" and "no additional appropriations will be given to the firefighters."
Dave Simons from the Boston Crusaders drum and bugle corps. called in to promote their event on July 31st at the Veteran's Memorial Stadium. Tennis Lilly calls in to promote poverty in Lawrence and Patrick Blanchette whines about not being in the loop at city hall.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Podcast of Paying Attention! Sat., July 18, 2009
GUEST: Dan Cotnoir
Hero Marine Dan Cotnoir explains why he should be the next mayor of Lawrence and in a candid interview admits that if he had it all to do over again he would indeed shoot his gun again into the crowd that was threatening his home and his family at 2am last year. Cotnoir took chief Romero and the Lawrence Police to task as well as saying he would fire Wilfredo Laboy and gave some ideas as to how he would run the city differently.
Also on today's show: Lawrence's Mayor Sullivan puts Planning Director Mike Sweeney in charge of the failing water treatment facility (watch Blanchette blow a gasket over that one) Water Treatment Plant Foreman Mark Griffin resigns. Mayor Sullivan reveals in an exclusive interview that the water department has only taken in 73% of the water bills sent out in the last 3 years, "leaving millions of dollars on the table".
Sullivan also divulged that DEP (Department of Environmental Protection) issues a "criminal consent order" against the city for illegal storage of mercury at the water treatment facility. State Rep. Willie Lantigua held a fundraiser on Thursday where the club owner claims he was "cleaned out" of every drop of liquor while the Lantigua event was going on. Also, The Lawrence School Committee spent a significant portion of their meeting on Thursday talking about how to remove Laboy's name from the side of school department vehicles and even took a 4-1 vote to micromanage the day to day operations of the schools.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Podcast of Paying Attention! Sat., July 11, 2009
GUEST: Lawrence School Committeeman Sammy Reyes.
Reyes breaks some exclusive news on the show this week revealing for the first time that it was Kevin Clement, Director of Transportation and Safety for the schools who illegally printed campaign material for Peter Larocque. Reyes also claimed that the numbers used for drop out rates in the schools were 100% fake and that the schools pay more than a million dollars in consultants. Reyes was a great guest, revealing the culture and envuronment that existed in the schools for the last two years. It's another Don't MISS show as Reyes shows a very human side and takes his brother (mayoral candidate) Israel Reyes to task for his "style of politics". Sammy Reyes proved toay that he is a serious guy who needs to be taken seriously.
It was Reyes who tipped off police and the Secretary of State's office about allegations of civil and criminal wrongdoing leading to Superintendent Wilfredo Laboy being put on leave, the State Police and District Attorney's office raiding his office and his home and at least a dozen candidates, elected officials and businesses now suspected in benefiting from the school department print shop.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Podcast of Paying Attention! June 27, 2009
It was an action packed show again as Lawrence School Committeeman Jim Vittorioso calls in to talk about the criminal investigation against Laboy. Mayoral Canidate Dave Abdoo calls in and says he has "no confidence at all" in Laboy's ability to lead the school system. Lawrence Mayor Mike Sullivan also called in to talk about Laboy and the problems in the city's water department and Nunzio DiMarca wrapped up the last 20 minutes talking about his campaign for mayor.
Lots of little nuggets in this broadcast and lots of things to pay attention to. A special apology to Sam Reyes who did NOT get his apology today becasue I was just too disoriented, you will get one on the next show.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Podcast of Paying Attnenion! JUne 20, 2009
Lawrence Superintendent Wilfredo Laboy is under criminal investigation for corruption. It was a wild show for sure as Lawrence City Councilor Grisel Silva called in to discuss the series of controversies she has been involved in over the last year. Lawrence Planning Director Mike Sweeney calls in to confront Silva on some of her statements and the gloves came off. Silva announced for the first time that she is seeking another term on the city council. Gary Manion, who ran against her two years ago calls to anounce HE is gong to run against Silva, and A healthy discussion about the safety of Lawrence's Drinking water after drums of mercury were found to be illegally stored at the Water Treatement facility in the Mount Vernon section of Lawrence.
Podcast of Saturday, June 13, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Podcast from June 7, 2009
Topics: President Obama' s speech in Egypt, Lawrence City Councilor Grisel Silva is a disgrace and lies about her conflict with Mike Sweeney so we played the audio clips of the conflict back to back with her denials that she ever called his name from the council table. Methuen Mayor Bill Manzi calls in to talk about the bogus tribune story that veterans were being passed over for police jobs to favor political friends and relatives, School Committee candidate Mark Gray attacks Peter Larocque for using school resources to get elected, all the while Gray is using public participation at school committee meetings to promote his political platform in his campaign to unseat Larocque in the next election (which is VERY funny). SAMMY REYES was booked on the show but not only didn't show up he didn't even bother to call to say he couldn't make it. And what the ell is Dunkin' Donuts doing skimping on the size of their flat bread sandwiches??
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Podcast of Paying Attention!, May 30, 2009
TOPICS: Dan Contnoir decides to run for mayor and all the other mayoral candidates are losing their minds. John Michitson, candidate for mayor in Haverhil calls in to talk about green chemistry and his quest to unseat Jim Fiorentini. In the second hour, Grisel Silva loses her mind (again), this time calling the police to a city council budget hearing to arrest planning director Michael Sweeney. Great audio clips of Silva screaming and ranting during the meeting. And interview with Mike Sweeney calling for Silva's resignation and an audio of Mayor Sullivan calling city councilors "bitter and angry". Another action packed show NOT TO BE MISSED.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Podcast of Paying Attention! Saturday, May 23, 2009
It was one topic for two straight hours and it was DON'T MISS radio. Lawrence City Council President Patrick Blanchette and the dynamic duo, Nilka Alvarez and Grisel Silva's disgraceful behavior at last week's city council meeting needed to be exposed and Tom did more than that. Their attacks on police chief John Romero and their efforts to hamper the effectiveness of law enforcement on the streets of Lawrence were blatant and shocking. Once you start listening to this week's program and you hear the words of these councilors from their own mouths, you won't be able to turn it off. Council President Patrick Blanchette blurts out where an undercover narcotics police officer lives and berates chief Romero. In the second hour, former Councilor Nunzio DiMarca, who started this mess three years ago (and first proposed preventing undercover police officers from taking their unmarked cars home) called into the show claiming to be "pro-police" and stating he would NOT have supported Patrick Blanchette's proposal to allow the council to micromanage the day to day operations of the police department.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Podcast of Saturday, May 16, 2009
In the first hour we talked about Lawrence Superintendent of Schools Wilfredeo Laboy, Steve Jones called in from Riverbank to talk about identity theft, Former Councilor Joe Parolisi supports Dave Abdoo for Mayor. Nunzio DiMarca calls in to say Italy is NOT in Latin America and he has not announced his candidacy for mayor.
Audio clips of Lawrence City Councilor Grisel Silva saying she wants to lay off cops, take away their vehicles and cut their salaries as well as her insane rantings, name calling and silly fantasies in one of the most entertaining shows we've done in a while
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Podcast of Saturday May 9, 2009
TOPICS: Lawrence City Councilors refuse to support a pay furlough for themselves while they are voting on measures to furlough other city empoyees. City Council Cell phones, the budget deficit and what some councilors whine about while they actually do nothing to solve the problem.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009 Podcast of Paying Attention! with Tom Duggan
Click Here to Listen to Hour 1: Today Tom talked about the Lawrence School Committee meeting this week where Committeeman Martina Cruz spoke against the superintendent but wasn't exactly sure why. Audio clips from the meeting and an interview with Martina Cruz after the meeting. After the meeting she revealed in our exclusive interview that she will be placing an item on the next agenda calling for the suspension or firing of Wilfredo Laboy.
Click here for hour 2: The Valley Patriot's Puppy Girl, Kate Whitney calls in to talk about the animal shelter in Merrimack that burned down Friday night and what you can do to help the poor shelter dogs in the Valley. An exclusive interview with Wilfredo Laboy who announced for the first time in our exclusive interview that he is retiring in 18 months. Laboy also discussed the Lexus Nexus scandal where two people employed by the school department are alleged to have run background checks on local officials, political candidates and some celebrities.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Today we talked more about the scandal in the Lawrence Public Schools and Superintendent Wilfredeo Laboy. The new Transgender bathroom bill in Massachusetts, Haverhill Mayor Fiorentini calls in, North Andover selectman Mark Reese announces town unions will accept not getting a raise in the next few years and..... a spirited discussion with Melody the lipstick lesbian (there is a GOD)!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Podcast of Paying Attention! Radio Program, April 4, 2009
Hour 1: A discussion of the North Andover elections and why Bill Gordon won, Karin Rhoten, newly elected member of the North Andover School Committee calls in to talk about her election victory and her priorities on the committee. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno may be getting kicked off channel 7 but WCAP is considering broadcasting the show live every night on the radio . .............we talk about the possibilities.
Hour 2 : In the second hour we talked about The Boston Globe and Eagle Tribune's financial trouble. Mark Rivera being accused of running background checks on political candidates, Tennis Lilly explains Lexus Nexus in simple easy to understand language detailing how background checks are done as well as the federal laws protecting privacy and the prodedures needed to prevent abuses. Will Wilfredo Laboy be fired?
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Podcast from Saturday, March 7, 2009
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO HOUR 2 > Lawrence Planning Director Mike Sweeney calls in to talk about the Saunders School Project proposed by Peabody Properties in South LAwrence. Sweeney also discusses Sal Lupoli's $100 Million new development on Merrimack Street, Bob Ansin's Monarch on the Merrimack and several other prokjects improving the infrastructure of Lawrence.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Radio Podcast From Sat. Feb 22, 2009
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO HOUR 2: Karen Bell from the Club fitness center in Lowell joined us to talk about the proposed sledding safety legislation being proposed. We also talked about the racist cartoon from the New York Post and the parking clerk who was fired in Lawrence last week for allegedly stealing $180 was arrested this week for Welfare fraud.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Radio Podcast From Sat. Feb 14, 2009 (LISTEN NOW!)
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO HOUR 2: We wrap up our discussion on the unsafe conditions of the schools in Lawrence and shift to Sal Lupoli's NEW $100 Million project to build a retail mall on Merrimack Street in Lawrence. Chet Sidel of Lawrence Community Works attacks Sal's project proposal. Lawrence Mayor Mike Sullivan reveals the EXPLOSIVE details about why he fired building inspector Greg Arvanitis (WOW!) and he held nothing back, Sullivan also weighed in on tax cheat Patrick Blanchette's problems. Methuen Mayor Bill Manzi talks about Methuen Village assisted living and Alzheimers Center off Broadway. Sate Rep. Linda Campbell from Methuen weighs in on Governor Patrick's proposal to put tolls on Rt. 93 and agrees Governor Patrick really IS crazy.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Radio Show Podcast from February 7, 2009
Click Here for Hour 2 - A continuation of hour 1
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Radio Show Podcast from January 30, 2009
In the first hour we talked about City of Lawrence elected officials and candidates for office who did not file their campaign finance reports as required by law. We analyzed Patrick Blanchette's finances and compared his $14K to Israel Reyes' $54K. City City Council President Patrick Blanchette refuses to pay his taxes as the Federal Government puts a lien on him for the $8,888.90 in taxes he still owes. Billerica town selectman involved in conflict of interest brings Warren Shaw to the program to talk about a vote taken that the Ethics Comission may be looking at.
Linda Soucy from the Greater Lawrence Community Action Council joined us to talk about the fuel and heating assistance program available for "poor" families. She also revealed how the Arlington Neighborhood Community center has been shut down from lack of funding. She needs $100K to fund the program after Governor Deval Patrick cut the funding 100%.
MORE SCANDAL in the Lawrence Water Department; four employees that get paid to do NOTHING doubling the amount the city has to pay to run the plant, and we are now informed that there is upwards of a $3million deficit in the water department (while we employ four guys who do nothing thanks to the city unions), also: chemicals purchased by SOMEONE with no authority were found at the water treatment plant and the DPW director cannot answer where they came from, who purchased them, with what authority etc., STILL no answer as to why the city failed to test the drinking water last March and August.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Radio Show Podcast from January 24, 2009
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO HOUR 2: We continue the discussion of the City of Lawrence being fined by MassDEP for failing to do mandatory testing on the city's drinking water in May and August of 2008 and pose the question: why did city officials not notify the public of the possible health hazards for Lawrence residents and where is the accountability of city officials? Northern Essex Community College bans smoking on all school grounds and Methuen city couniclor Debbie Quinn is elected as the Methuen Council President.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Radio Show Podcast from Saturday, January 17, 2009
CLICK HERE FOR HOUR 1 News Media reporting on Barack Obama's inauguration, Methuen Mayor Bill Manzi gives us two exclusive news stories 1) that he is running for reelection in November and 2) that the city of Methuen received notice yesterday that Federal FEMA reimbursement money will be granted to Methuen from the ice storm last month. Manzi also talked about the Joe Solomon hearing, and the Marijuana law he is trying to enact.
CLICK HERE FOR HOUR 2 More with Methuen Mayor Bill Manzi. Manzi comments on the teachers union contract and the FEMA story. More on Barack Obama's innauguration.
Judge Dismisses Slander Suit against Valley Patriot
Judge Hopkins of Lawrence Superior Court issued a ruling today in the slander and libel lawsuit filed by Kevin Thompson against the Valley Patriot, Thomas Duggan and Paula Porten. The judge ruled: "One cannot be so prominent and vocal a partisan in a public debate, particularly when one has had a hand in creating the debate in the first place, and then cry foul at the rough and tumble of the merketplace of ideas. Thompson cannot establish that any of the claims in the op-ed are anything other than opinion or, if they are fact, that they are false. Therefore, he cannot, a fortiori, prove that they were made with “actual malice.” Consequently his claim must be dismissed. – Judge Merita Hopkins, Justice of the Superior Court.
Thompson sued The Valley Patriot and it's owners individually for publishing an opinion piece back in March of 2006 entitled; Father's Priorities are Out of Wack, There's a New Greg Hyatt in Town. The editors of The Valley Patriot will issue a press release within 48 hours. Attorney Peter Caruso of Andover (who once represented the Eagle Tribune for decades on 1st amendment issues) is the attorney for The Valley Patriot in all legal matters. Valley Patriot president Tom Duggan would only say that he will be discussng the issue "in depth" on his Paying Attention! radio program on 980AM WCAP, Saturday morning at 10AM. Duggan said the "bogus lawsuit" cost the monthly newspaper "thousands of dollars in legal fees." The Valley Patriot still faces a lawsuit by Attorney William DiAdamo who was fired by the City of Lawrence after losing the Andrea Traficanti case. DiAdamo is suing the newspaper in an attempt to force Valey Patriot President, Tom Duggan to reveal his sources on the story of his firing. RELATED STORY NUMBER 1: Fired attorney's firm member made millions on taxpayers: Andrea Traficanti files for permanent disability RELATED STORY NUMBER 2: Defending the First Amendment and protecting confidential sources - Lawrence Attorney was confidential source
Anyone wishing to donate to the The Valley Patriot Legal Defense Fund using the PayPal button at
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Radio show from Saturday, January 10, 2009
CLICK HERE FOR HOUR 1 Dave (Where-is-he) Torissi votes against DiMassi, The Global Warming Hoax, Mail from listeners and readers.
CLICK HERE FOR HOUR 2 More mail from listeners and Lawrence Mayor Mike Sullivan's interview on WCAP earlier in the week.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Radio show from Saturday, January 3, 2009
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO HOUR 1 Co-host, Paul Murano and I discussed the new Pot laws in Massachusetts how they will be enforced and the ramifications of such. North Andover police officer and member of the Board of Selectmen Danny Lanen called in to talk about his upcoming reelection and shed some light on the new pot laws as well.
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO HOUR 2 In the second hour we continued our discussion on legalization of pot, and how the new laws will be implimented by police. We also talked about the conflict in GAZA, and how the scumbag Palestinians are getting what they deserve after 8 days of air strikes and one day of a ground incursion.
There WILL be a program next week, Januray 10th.