Russia takes a hard line on gays and the gay community is outraged.... but are we supposed to respect other people's cultures? Who are WE to say that their culture is wrong and OUR culture is right? I mean that is what we have been told by the media, and Hollywood and the Democrat party for decades.
Also: Methuen City Council Candidate Dan Grayton called in to talk about his candidacy in the At Large Race and then..........

.......and in THIS corner State Senator Katie Ives Chiming in as well....
At issue: Republicans stood with Deval Patrick (HUH?) on the budget and Transportation Bill.
Deval vetoed the transportation bill that raised taxes saying that taxes were not high enough.
The legislature overrode his veto thereby passing the budget and transportation bill and raising taxes on computer software, cigarettes, smokeless cigarettes, and gas, among other things).
The Republicans stood with the Governor and voted to sustain his veto (killing the bill) while most Democrats stood against the governor and passed the budget anyway. Republicans say Democrats voted to raise taxes, Democrats say if they had not overridden the governors veto he would have come back with MORE taxes... who to believe?