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Today Tom and Paul talked about the Bank robber who was cornered by police at the WCAP studios last week shortly they went off the air who shot and killed himself. Tom was on hand to take photos and videos of the incident and discussed how society is better off with the bank robber no longer breathing. Paul, of course was sad! In the second hour State Representative candidates Sal Tabit and Paul Adams debated in a very feisty exchange resulting in Tabit attacking Adams for his inexperience and Adams attacking Tabit for giving money to the Tim Murray campaign. Tabit called for bankruptcy for the city of Lawrence while Adams is calling for a control board or a receiver.
In the third hour Tom Talked about Charlie Baker, candidate for Governor's position on Lowell's Home Rule petition to the legislature asking permission to change city worker's health care plans without going through unions and collective bargaining. Baker also talked about Governor Patrick's CORI Reform that passed last week. Willie Lantigua shows up at a mutual aide meeting in Andover and it degenerated into a shouting match ending the meeting.