The Paying Attention Radio program airs on WCAP (980AM) in Lowell ( Valley Patriot publisher Tom Duggan talks about news of the week and provides a unique perspective on what in the news and what is... and is NOT... news. Saturdays from 10AM to noon (Eastern). Paul Murano is co host and the show is produced by George Papoulias. The program covers local state and national events.
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Thursday, December 30, 2010
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (December 29, 2010)
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This week Tom Duggan and Paul Murano talked about the murder of Woburn Police Officer John Maguire. Tom's guests included Craig Floyd, CEO of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund in Washington DC. Craig talked about the increase in police deaths in 2010, the increase in the deaths of female officers, cluster killings, the death penalty, the new Law Enforcement Officer's Museum. Tom and Paula also interviewed Jennifer Thacker of Concerns of Police Survivors about the help available to family members and fellow officers of cops killed in the line of duty, as well as interviewing Laurie Myers a victims rights advocate from Chelmsford and Methuen Police Chief Joe Solomon. Tom also read the parole report of cop killer Dom Cinelli who was shot and killed by Officer Maguire before dying himself.
Friday, December 17, 2010
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (December 15, 2010)

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Tom and Paul talk about the $71 Mil award to the estate of a smoker who proved the cigarette distribution company Lorrilard gave away free Newport Cigarettes to children 45 years ago, STATE SENATOR STEVE BADDOUR calls in to talk about the Ward Hill Connector Bridge, give breaking news on the Methuen Mayor's race in 2011, the legislative priorities for 2011, Baddour also breaks the news that Jim Jajuga will be running for mayor of Methuen.
Tom breaks with the Republican party and praises president Obama for for putting partisanship aside and doing what was best for the country in extending the Bush Tax cuts for the "EVILLLL RICH", Paul talks about his column in this month's Valley Patriot on the Catholic Church's position on condoms, Tom also gave an update on the criminal matters facing Lawrence Police officer Richard Brooks and Deputy Chief Melix Bonilla's son.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (November 24, 2010)

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Tom Duggan invited Former Hot Line host and radio legend Ronnie Ford to co host as Paul Murano was on vacation. It was a light and fluffy show as Paying Attention was taped the night before Thanksgiving. Ronnie and Tom Talked about NPR, The constitution, Viter ID, The crime problem in Lawrence, Methuen police chief Joe Solomon and so much more. It was a laugh riot with Ronnie in the studio.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (November 17, 2010)

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This week Tom and Paul interviewed Lawrence City Councilor Marc LaPlante concerning the finances of the City of Lawrence, Greg Morris taking a DPW position even though he sits on the School Committee, LaPlante reveals for teh first time that taxes in the city of Lawrence will be going up, and various other topics. Tom also interviewed Lawrence School Committeeman Sammy Reyes about the Greg Morris situation. Other Topics discussed: TSA officials touching people's "junk", Satanic Muslims, A woman in Haverhill spits blood in the face of a police officer, Valley Patriot comedy writer Shawn Hansen calls in to talk about his 100th show on BCAT, Tom and Paul debate what to CALL muslims and SO MUCH MORE!
Friday, November 12, 2010
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (November 11, 2010)
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This week Tom Duggan and Paul Murano talked about the corruption in the Lawrence Police Department, The arrest of Officer Richard Brooks, the debacle of Deputy Chief Bonilla's son and the criminal charges against him, the court display by city employees who showed up to show support for Bonillas son etc. Failed mayoral and State Rep. candidate Al Dinuccio came in to chat with us about Methuen, the elections, some f his new ideas and hinted he will be a candidate for mayor next year when Bill Manzi is term lnmited out of office.
Tom and Paul also talked about the death penalty, George Bush, foreign policy and a few breaking news stories.
Friday, November 5, 2010
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (November 4, 2010)
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Why America is the greatest country in this history of mankind! Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40B forces every community in the state to build low income housing... and there's a reason for that. Look at the electoral map of what communities Republicans like Charlie Baker won on election day. He won all the suburbs, while Democrats like Deval Patrick won all the cities. If suddenly there was a 10% increase in low income housing in each of those republican enclaves ELECTION NUMBERS would change in the suburbs giving Dems a LOCK on every election!
Lawrence Deputy Chief Bonilla's son was arrested in connection with a home invasion and pistol whipping, but half of city hall including the mayor and several police officers involved in the chase were in court this week to support Bonillas SON!
Lawrence Mayor WIllie Lantigua and City Councilor Grisel Silva engage in a screaming match at a city council meeting because Lantigua tried to turn a discussion about crime in the city into a political attack on Silva ... Silva shocked Lantigua by fighting back and the Audio clips we played were DOWNRIGHT hysterical!
Methuen Republican(?) Al Dinuccio called in to defend Lantigua and give Lenny Degnan's party line explanation as to why the city of Lawrence should NOT be put into receivership. Republican operative Vincent A.J. Errichetti calls in to talk about why Charlie Baker lost and was quite harsh on the Baker campaign.
The show was produced by Tim Coco
Thursday, October 28, 2010
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (October 27, 2010)
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, on WHAV in Haverhill Massachusetts (October 27, 2010)
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This was our first Paying Attention broadcast on WHAV in Haverhill after three weeks off the air when WCAP station owners in Lowell canceled the show after 10 years.
This week on the show Tom Previewed the State Elections next week, Calling into the program were DJ DEEB of Dracut to talk about Dracut Town meeting next week, Gerry Nutter of Lowell ( called in with a report on the City of Lowell, Lawrence City Councilor Marc LaPlante called in to talk about the crime epidemic in Lawrence, Karyn Polito, candidate for State Treasurer discussed illegal aliens and her campaign, Methuen Mayor Billy Manzi called in to talk about Tom's rant on State Rep. Candidate Al Dinuccio who is secretly getting help from Willie Lantigua the mayor of Lawrence. Tom had a fascinating interview with Jon Golnick, candidate for congress and his support for Israel, Lawrence Mayor Mike Sullivan revealed some interesting information about Lawrence's finances and the people who certified his budgets at the Department of Revenue.
The Show was produced by Paul Murano and Tim Coco.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
MA State Auditors Debate on The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan on WCAP, (September 04, 2010)

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A REAL debate between the two Republican candidates for State Auditor: Kamal Jain ad Mary Z Connaughton was held on Tom Duggan's Paying Attention Radio Program on September 4, 2010 a the WCAP studios. Jain and Connaughton debated each other in a free styling discussion where they actually talked to each other instead of the moderator... which led to a few heated exchanges towards the end of the debate. This debate lasted one hour.
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (September 4, 2010)
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Today Toma nd Paul talked about the definition of marriage, Congressional candidate John Golnick's recent drunk driving revelations and in the second hour a free wheeling debate between Massachusetts State Auditor candidates Kamal Jain and Mary Z Connaughton. IN the third hour Tom talked about The race for governor, Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua goes on a profanity laced tirade at a city council meeting and more fires in Lawrence.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Podcast of State Senate debate between Eileen Donoghue and Chris Doherty in Lowell

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Middlesex County State Senate Candidates Eileen Donoghue and Chris Doherty squared off at the little theater at Lowell High School on Monday, August 16th, 2010.
Topics discussed, The City of Lawrence and Lowell's role in bailing them out with mutual aid, should Lawrence go into receivership, the Governor's legislation that watered down the CORI laws, Lowell's Home Rule Petition asking the legislature to let City officials change health care plans for city workers without going through collective bargaining and so much more.
Friday, August 13, 2010
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (August 21, 2010)

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Today Tom and Paul talked about the Bank robber who was cornered by police at the WCAP studios last week shortly they went off the air who shot and killed himself. Tom was on hand to take photos and videos of the incident and discussed how society is better off with the bank robber no longer breathing. Paul, of course was sad! In the second hour State Representative candidates Sal Tabit and Paul Adams debated in a very feisty exchange resulting in Tabit attacking Adams for his inexperience and Adams attacking Tabit for giving money to the Tim Murray campaign. Tabit called for bankruptcy for the city of Lawrence while Adams is calling for a control board or a receiver.
In the third hour Tom Talked about Charlie Baker, candidate for Governor's position on Lowell's Home Rule petition to the legislature asking permission to change city worker's health care plans without going through unions and collective bargaining. Baker also talked about Governor Patrick's CORI Reform that passed last week. Willie Lantigua shows up at a mutual aide meeting in Andover and it degenerated into a shouting match ending the meeting.
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (August 14, 2010)
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Tom welcomes back co-host Paul Murano from his vacation as they discuss Lawrence Mayor Lantigua's latest bungles and interviews Methuen Mayor Billy Manzi about the decision by Civil Service to reinstate Police Chief Joe Solomon and State Treasurer Tim Cahill calls in to talk about bankruptcy for Lawrence, a receiver and the school building assistance program as well as his visit with Lawrence Firefighters and what he will do as Governor to help the Lawrence "crisis". Jamison Tomasek, candidate for State Senate calls in to talk about his newest position on the Lawrence mess and... the last hour Tom plays clips of Charlie Baker from last week's Tea Party meeting where he talks about putting the city of Lawrence into receivership and how Governor Deval Patrick has "sold out the kids of Lawrence. And Tom wraps up the show with a clip from North Andover Selectman Dan Lanen talking about the mutual aid fire protection system.
WCAP News Call in to WCAP( 08-13-10)
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Tom calls into the morning show to talk about the outrageous comments by Willie Lantigua the Mayor of Lawrence who attacked firefighters for "getting paid to sleep" and intimating that firefighters may be behind the recent spate of fires. Tom also talks about Willie's goal to be president of the Dominican Republic and his recent bungles including being in the Dominican for nearly a month while the city was on fire.
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Tom talks about Willie Lantigua's attack an cops and firefighters, the Governor's lies, he also talks about Willie Lantigua's goal of building a political dynasty. Tom also went over some of the details of the recent fires in Lawrence and the conflict between Lantigua and public safety officials. Tom also talks about the conflicts of interest at the Massachusetts Department of Revenue.
News Call in to WCAP( 08-11-10)
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First, Ryan Johnston plays clips of Governor Deval Patrick addressing the stretched out mutual aid system in the Merrimack Valley and the Lawrence "crisis."
Tom Duggan calls in to discuss the inside story on the Willie Lantigua budget mess in Lawrence, the mayor's war with the firefighters and Tom takes on the governor for what he calls "lying to the public".
Tom's call is about 17 minutes into this clip, we left the entire hour in the audio feed so you could hear the discussion before his call and the clips of Deval Patrick.
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (August 7, 2010)
Click here for MP3 of the news call in
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Click here for MP3 of the news call in
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Valley Patriot of the Month Joe Costa joined us as Tom aired his frustration as to the lack of public support for police and firefighters in Lawrence.
Governor Deval Patrick's new move to erase criminal records from low lifes in the CORI (Criminal Information Records System) computer database, making it illegal fro potential employers to ask applicants about prior criminal records.
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (July 31, 2010)
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Andover's Pat Comain, Democrat candidate for State Representative came in and chatted with us about her campaign as well as the city of Lawrence and, of course had to endure my attacks on Paul for saying Lawrence "might be", "potentially" a dangerous situation.
Candidate for State Treasurer Steve Grossman called in with a fascinating interview. Mike Sweeney called in as well to talk about the city of Lawrence... and Tom went off on Barry Finegold, broke the news about the consultant hired by the Lantigua administration who was just hit with a fine by the ethics commission. Also, a small discussion on Methuen Police Chief Joe Solomon.
WCAP News Call in to WCAP( 07-25-10)
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The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (July 24, 2010)
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Tom and Paul talk about GOP state senate candidate Jamison Tomasek changing his position on Lawrence needing a finance control board, Candidate for Governor's Council Jason Panos came in and took a beating but he held his ground stating he believes in a "living breathing constitution". State Rep. Barry Finegold came in and tried to defend his vote for a $35 Million loan for Lawrence with no fiscal controls. Finegold also refused to address the fact that Lawrence Mayor Lantigua laid off 24 cops and 25 firefighters after getting the $35 million loan.
We also cut an hour of extra audio that did NOT air and the quality of the audio is TERRIBLE. We are working on cutting an extra hour each week if we can work out the audio kinks. This was our first test run. Not worth listening to.
News Call in to WCAP( 07-21-10)
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Monday, July 19, 2010
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (July 17, 2010)
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Tom Duggan and Paul Murano talk about the media coverage of Mel Gibson, Sarah Palin's daughter and 'comedian' Cathy Griffin's attack on Scott brown's daughters. Also Tom and Paul talked about Puppy Girl being sad about the Andover Dog Park not being funded, Republican Candidate for state Senate breaks with the GOP leadership on Beacon Hill and changes his position on Lawrence needing a Fiscal Control Board and called in to defend his NEW position sparking outrage by Mike Sweeney who called in and spoke of the financial mismanagement of the Lantigua administration. Governor's Councilor Maralyn Petito Devaney called in to talk about Governor Patrick's judicial nominee, Aptaker dropping out due to being caught lying on his application.
Lawrence DPW Director Frank McCann allowed two DPW workers who were laid off in 2009 to continue coming to work every day and continued to pay them until the city council discovered it this week. A recap of some of Frank and Andrea's shenanigans. Lawrence Police Officer Daron Fraser is tased by a rogue cop from Kingston NH, and Fraser is arrested on bogus charges. Tom Also talked about how Lenny Degnan is blaming the firefighters for layoffs and then attacked Degnan who is getting a raise!
WCAP/Valley Patriot News Update with Tom Duggan, (July 14, 2010)
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Tom Duggan from the Valley Patriot does his weekly news update call-in and talks with Dean and Ryan about the Lawrence Fire Department, Chief Murphy and the Civil Service Order that says the mayor must hire a permanent fire chief. DPW Director Frank McCann allowed two laid off workers to continue coming to work, and continued paying them with no money in the budget.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
WCAP/Valley Patriot News Update with Tom Duggan, (July 10, 2010)
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Tom and Paul interview Tom Weaver, candidate for congress, They also talked about rampant racism against white Americans, Lawrence Firefighters demand an audience with the governor and whole host of other issues.
News Call in to WCAP( 07-10-10)
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Tom talked about the near riot in Lawrence last week, the layoffs in teh fire and police and some upcoming predictions about Lawrence's summer.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
WCAP/Valley Patriot News Update with Tom Duggan, (July 3, 2010)
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Governor's Councilor Mary Ellen Manning called in to talk to Tom and Paul about one of Governor Patrick's hack nominees for a judgeship, attorney Aptaker. Aptaker lied on his application to be a judge and Manning opposed his nomination because of his dishonesty during the hiring process. Tom talked about Governor Patrick's new book, Paul's stint as a fill-in host last week, the new Burger King on Broadway in Lawrence where Cedar Crest used to be, the Lantigua Crime Wave begins, more shenanigan in Lawrence City Hall, how Lantigua has his priorities backwards, the General McCrystal issue and what a sissy President Obama is, how illegal aliens are allowed to vote, unemployment, and the Methuen City Council approves the municipal budget.
WCAP/Valley Patriot News Update with Tom Duggan, (June 26, 2010)
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Tom Duggan had the weekend off for his daughter's Bat Mitzvah so Paul Murano filled in with more silly puns that anyone could imagine! Guests calling into the show were Mary Connaughton, candidate for State Auditor and Former Lawrecnce Mayor Mike Sullivan and Tom Duggan.
The insubordination of Gen. McCrystal -- a. Was he right in what he said, and b. Was Obama right in getting rid of him?
WCAP/Valley Patriot News Update with Tom Duggan, (June 19, 2010)
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Candidate for State Senate Pat Rahilly joined Tom and Paul in the studio. Gay Marriage, the death penalty, abortion and taxes on the table for discussion. Shakira and her anti-American rant in favor of illegal aliens. Tom Interviews State Rep. Jeff Perry about his amendment to the state budget cutting funding for illegals. State Rep. Dave Torissi says that those who oppose free government benefits for illegals are "racist". Hispanic week in the city of Lawrence. An interview with Lawrence Fire Chief Brian Murphy who revealed that he believes he is being targeted by mayor Lantigua. Firefighters in Lawrence rally to save their jobs!EMT's and firefighters caught committing fraud on their EMT training courses.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
WCAP/Valley Patriot News Update with Tom Duggan, (June 12, 2010)
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Today on Paying Attention With Tom Duggan: Jack Wilson candidate for State Senate joined us today as we talked about Willie Lantigua's FIVE pages of new hires since January 4th, 2010, raw sewage flows into the Shawsheen River in Lawrence and the EPA has ordered Lawrence to get to the bottom of it, Michelle the Intern joined us and Paul Murano also was in the studio.
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (June 5, 2010)
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Lawrence Mayor Mike Sullivan called in to talk about the state of the city of Lawrence, including breaking news that Jay Gonzalez of the Dept. of Reveniue was once bond council for Palmer and Dodge who sold Lawrence bonds the last time Lawrence borrowed money. Lawrence Fire Union President Pat Driscoll called in to talk about the possible layoffs of 35 firefighters. Tom Talked about Obama's oil spill and ended the last 20 minutes of the show giving a stellar talk on illegal immigration.
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (May 29 , 2010)
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Valley Patriot, WCAP radio, 980AM
Today on Paying Attention Puppy Girl Kate Whitney calls in to talk about saving puppies, Robert Okoniewski joined us in the studio with Paul Murano to talk about Lawrence's financial woes and Willie Lantigua's Enemies list as well as the upcoming 2011 fiscal budget in Lawrence.
Keywords: Tom Duggan; The Valley Patriot; WCAP in Lowell; Paul Murano; Robert Okoniewski; Willie Lantigua; Deval Patrick
Saturday, May 22, 2010
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (May 22, 2010)
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Tom Talks about his trip to DC a the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial, Why he hates Paul, and then had senator Richard Tisei on to talk about the race for governor and his candidacy with Charlie Baker as his running mate. Tisei talked about being openly gay, tax policy for the state, the Lawrence debacle and how mayor Lantigua has already blown $24 million in loans in less than 3 weeks, gay marriage, abortion, Tim Cahill, The Perry Amendment, Mary Ellen Manning our best governor's councilor and whether or not Charlie Baker is too nice a guy to win the race and govern if he wins. Tisei also gave us a breaking news story that the legislature will be reconsidering a fiscal oversight board for the city of Lawrence on Wednesday as part of the budget amendments being proposed.
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (May 15, 2010)
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Mike sweeney and Vincent Errichetti fill in for Tom Duggan who is in Washington DC for the National Law Enforcement Memorial. Tom Called in live from DC to talk about the memorial. Mike and Vince interviewed Karyn Polito candidate for Treasurer, Tim Cahill, the current Treasurer who is a candidate for Governor, Dave Andleman calls to talk about the Restaurant Rejuvenation Act, Methuen Mayor Bill Manzi calls in to talk about a new Methuen High and a suffolk pollster who just released a poll on the governor's race.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (May 8, 2010)
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Today host Tom Duggan had Jamison Tomasek in the studio for the show. Jamison is a Republican candidate for state senate. He is running to fill the seat vacated by sue Tucker of Andover. Tomasek faces Pat Rahilly and Mark Baldwin in the Republican primary. Todays topics: Muslim terrorism and the threats on south park creators Matt and Trey by Muslim terrorists in this country. We also discussed illegal immigration, health care and the Valley Patriot lead story about illegal dumping by Lawrence DPW on the banks of the shawsheen river and st. Mary's cemetery. Candidate Chally Ramos who is running against Marcos Devers for sate rep. in the special election to fill Willie Lantigua's vacant seat.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (May 1, 2010)
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Today Tom Duggan and Paul Murano talked about illegal immigration and a same rational policy. Congressman Mike Capuano called in to chat about health care and the new socialist federal health care bill that was passed. state rep. Dave Torissi goes nutty telling Michael Graham to go Fuck himself and Tom plays an old interview with Torissi from 2002.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (April 24, 2010)
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Today on the The Paying Attention Radio Program we talked about south Park creators and the satanic Muslim terrorists who are threatening their lives for depicting their "prophet" Mohammad in a bear costume. Sam Mease candidate for the republican nomination for the 5th Congressional seat was our guest and talked about his views on immigration, the congress, Deval Patrick etc. We also played audio clips of Charlie Baker's convention speech last week at the Worcester Centrum (DCU center) and then discussed Robert Nunes from the Massachusetts Department of Revenue being named "overseer of Lawrence" by Governor Deval Patrick...yes that's right, the same Robert Nunes who certified he Lawrence Budget a balanced in June of 2009!!
The Paying Attention Radio Program airs on WCAP in Lowell Massachusetts on 980AM every saturday afternoon from 10-1pm
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Monday, April 19, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (April 17, 2010)
Click here for final hour with Paul Murano
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Today on the Paying Attention Radio Program former Lawrence Mayor Mike Sullivan and Michael Sweeney filled in for the first two hours, talking about hte repulbican convention in Worcester and spoke with Tom Duggan via phone from the convention floor where Charlie Baker was nominated as their candidate for governor. Tom Duggan also tracked down Republican candidate Mary Connaughton candidate for Auditor and let Mayor Sullivan interview her about her campaign. In the third hour Paul Murano , Tom's co-host filled in and talked about ... well... you will have to listen for yourself!
The Paying Attention Radio Program airs on WCAP in Lowell Massachusetts on 980AM every Saturday afternoon from 10-1pm
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (April 10, 2010)
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Michelle the Intern's first show! Today, Tom Duggan talked about The Lawrence school committee firing superintendent Wilfredo Laboy and the white wash that ensued when Laboy was fired for the most minor infractions, most of which could not be sustained. Laboy was fired for having alcohol in his office, using school employee to do personal errands and used the printing press at central office to print menus for his son's pizza shop in Methuen. During the show it was revealed for the first time that current acting superintendent Mary Lou Bergeron also brought alcohol on school property and testimony by Bergeron revealed that some of the alcohol in Laboy's liquor cabinet (which he was fired for having) actually came from Bergeron.
Candidate for state representative Paul Adams joined us and talked about his campaign as well as the involvement of Barry Finegold in the printing scandal.
Tom also talked about the bullying case in south Hadley Mass.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (Mar. 20, 2010)
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The Paying Attention Radio Program airs on 980AM WCAP in Lowell Massachusetts, from 10AM to 1PM. The first half of today's program focused Methuen's Saint Patrick's Day Luncheon. Audio clips of Guy Glodis (candidate for Massachusetts Auditor) State Senator Steve Baddour, Willie Lantigua (da chief) Bill Manzi and of course John Mollori who steals the show every year with his comedy routine.
In the second hour we talked about how Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua refused to lower the flags to half mast in honor of Lawrence Police Officer Tom Duggan who lost his life in the line of duty on March 16, 1990 and how the city of Lawrence refused to have a service on the anniversary of Officer Duggan's death because of his hatred for Officer Duggan's son, Valley Patriot editor Tom Duggan Jr. (the host of the show).
Tom Also talked about health care and the upcoming state elections. He also played audio of an interview he did with former mayoral candidate Israel REYES back in August prior to his indictments.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (Mar. 27, 2010)
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Today, Mr. Maali called in to talk about Wilfredo Laboy, comedian Bob Siebel called in to promote some upcoming shows and Tom Saab called in to talk about the Christian Film Festival. We also talked about Charlie Baker, Republican candidate for governor and how he is not hitting certain issues hard enough and is trying too hard to be a nice guy. Eileen Donahue is running for State Senate to replace Steve Panagiotokos, Marcos Devers makes his official announcement for State Rep., Tom attacks the striking Shaws workers in Methuen for picketing and not working while others have no jobs.
Tom and Paul also talked about why Tom is supporting Marcos Devers for State Rep. in Lawrence.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Appeals Court Rules in favor of The Valley Patriot
favor of The Valley Patriot
The Massachusetts Court of Appeals has dealt another devastating defeat to Kevin Thompson of Methuen who unsuccessfully sued The Valley Patriot newspaper for libel and defamation of character stemming from an opinion piece published in 2006 (Father’s Priorities are out of Whack). The Valley Patriot is a monthly publication headquartered in North Andover and was established in 2004.
Thompson filed a defamation lawsuit against the newspaper a

A Public Figure
Thompson wrote a book claiming he was a victim of conspiracies in the family court, the book was banned by Judge Manzi during his custody battle with his ex-wife. The ban further fueled his conspiracy theories which he used to gain sympathy from local fathers who also felt (some legitimately) that they had been treated unfairly by the family court.
Thompson began to engage in long, rambling rants on his website and on local blogs accusing Porten and Duggan of being part of the “conspiracy” with Judge Manzi, his ex-wife and others to deny him custody of his child and cover up the conspiracy against him in the family court.
He also accused dozens of bloggers (who ridiculed him) of “being Duggan” or “his douche bag family court girlfriend Paula Porten”.
Neither Porten nor Duggan had anything to do with Thompson’s custody case, were not present during the proceedings and were in no way affiliated with Thompson’s failures to convince the court he was a fit father.
Porten and Duggan contended all along that Kevin Thompson had a history of frivolous lawsuits and was looking for a quick payday “because he had always enjoyed positive press before we came along and he just couldn’t handle it when one of our writers took him to task,” Duggan said.
The Valley Patriot had previously given Thompson and his friends in the “Fatherhood Coalition” positive, free publicity including an “interview” that editors later found out Thompson had written himself and conspired to publish under someone else’s name.
Judge Marita Hopkins said in her initial ruling: "One cannot be so prominent and vocal a partisan in a public debate, particularly when one has had a hand in creating the debate in the first place, and then cry foul at the rough and tumble of the merketplace of ideas. Thompson cannot establish that any of the claims in the op-ed are anything other than opinion or, if they are fact, that they are false. Therefore, he cannot, a fortiori, prove that they were made with “actual malice." Consequently his claim must be dismissed." – Judge Merita Hopkins, Justice of the Superior Court.
Judge Hopkins also ruled that Thompson he had to pay legal and attorney’s fees to Paula Porten, Tom Duggan and The Valley Patriot.
Valley Patriot editors estimate that they have shelled out more than $11,000 defending against Thompson’s “frivolous suit”, an amount they say will take them years to recover. As he did in his failed attempt to gain custody of his son, Kevin Thompson represented himself in the initial lawsuit against the Valley Patriot as well as the numerous failed appeals that followed.
After losing in Lawrence Superior Court in January of 2009, Kevin Thompson appealed Judge Hopkins’ ruling, attacking her on his website and adding her to the long list of alleged conspirators he claims are “out to get” him.
In court paper the disgruntled father accused Judge Hopkins of conspiring with the Valley Patriot, his ex wife, her lawyer, judges and members of the press. Thompson even personally attacked Judge Hopkins on his website (HYSTERICAL RANTINGS AGAINST JUDGE HOPKINS). He also has a list of judges on his site whom he claims have committed "crimes" against him. (LINK)
“Clearly we are dealing with someone who has some personality and social issues,” said Valley Patriot owner/editor Tom Duggan.
“I feel bad for Mr. Thompson, I pity him really. He has lost his kid, his wife, his job, his election and every lawsuit he has ever filed. If you think about it, the poor guy has convinced himself that I, Paula Porten, judges, lawyers, the entire Methuen School System, the teachers union, court clerks, police officers, members of the press, and anyone in his line of sight are all part of some secret plot against him. I hope he gets the help he needs.”
A History of Failed and Frivolous Lawsuits
After being warned several times not to discuss his book or his personal issues concerning his ex-wife and son, Thompson repeatedly discussed his personal issues with students at Methuen High School and after disciplinary actions failed to stop his behavior he was fired.
Thompson sued the City of Methuen, the superintendent, members of the school committee the principal, his superiors and the teachers union for failing to defend his actions. Thompson lost each of those lawsuits after he had admitted on CNN’s Tucker Carlson that he spoke to his students about his book and his custody battles with the court.
Lawrence Superintendent of Schools Wilfredo Laboy brought Thompson on board to teach science at Lawrence High School two years ago. He is still employed by the Lawrence Public Schools.
Thompson ran for Mayor of Methuen in 2009 but finished third out of three candidates in the primary. He was called a “loon” by fellow candidates and ostracized by political activists for his outrageous behavior on the campaign trail and his bombastic, angry and sometimes incoherent blog postings on the Eagle~Tribune website.
The Valley Patriot is represented by Andover Attorney, Peter Carusso of Divine Millimet. "We are quite confident that, if Mr. Thompson decides to appeal this to the Surpeme Court the result will be the same," Carusso said.
“We never took this guy seriously,” Duggan added. “He’s just a disgruntled father who was trying to blame his numerous failures in life on everyone else but himself. I know he’s looking for some kind of redemption after losing his kid but he’s not going to use us to get it. There was never any doubt that Mr. Thompson would lose at every stage of this charade, and we’re just glad we can now see light at the end of the tunnel,” Duggan concluded.
2nd Suit Pending
The Valley Patriot still faces a lawsuit by Attorney William DiAdamo who was fired by the City of Lawrence after losing the Andrea Traficanti worker's compensation case.
DiAdamo is suing the newspaper in an attempt to force Valey Patriot President, Tom Duggan to reveal his sources on the story of his firing.
Fired attorney's firm member made millions on taxpayers: Andrea Traficanti files for permanent disability
RELATED STORY NUMBER 2: Defending the First Amendment and protecting confidential sources - Lawrence Attorney was confidential source
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (March 13, 2010)
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Today on Paying Attention! Shawn Hansen comes in with comedian Mz Queen Bee in the first 20 minutes. We played audio clips of the Lawrence St. Patrick's Day Luncheon including jokes from Senator Sue Tucker, Patrick Blanchette, Willie Lantigua and Methuen Mayor Bill Manzi with the funniest joke ever! In the second hour, Lawrence School Committeeman Sammy Reyes calls in with revelation upon revelation about the "thousands and thousands" of dollars he says his former colleagues stole from taxpayers. Reyes gives us his perspective as the whistle blower in the Wilfredo Laboy school department scandals. In the third hour, we talked about the Lawrence School Committee and the process of firing the superintendent, the list of ten charges against Laboy by the school committee as their reasons for starting the firing process of Wilfredo Laboy.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (Feb. 27, 2010)
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Today we talked about Tiger Woods, Tilly the Whale and why the whale should be set free. Paul Murano and Tom Duggan talked about national issues, Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantiuga, took a call from Mr. Maali who said that everything Mike Sullivan did was wrong but now that Lantigua is doing the same things, it's perfectly ok. Methuen Mayor Bill Manzi called into the show and Lawrence School Committeeman Mark Gray joined us in the studio. Other topics discussed: President Obama's health care, blaming George Bush, Lawrence School Committeeman Priscilla Baez fined by the ethics commission, Lantigua only advertises city jobs in Spanish language press, and so much more!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, (Feb. 20, 2010)
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Today we talked about Tiger Woods, Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua (da chief) who resigned as a State Rep. over a week ago but is STILL driving around with a House Plate. Lawrence city councilor Marc LaPlante took Lantigua to task at a meeting last week because Lantigua refuses to post city jobs in English language newspapers in his quest to ONLY hire Latinos for city jobs. Councilor Grisel Silva defended Lantigua and suggested that the Eagle Tribune print their stories in Spanish. Towards the end of the show we played audio clips of the Lawrence Exchange Club's Police, Firefighter and EMT of the year awards.
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Saturday, February 13, 2010
Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, February 13, 2010
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The Paying Attention Radio Program on WCAP, on AM980 in Lowell airs from 10AM to 1PM.
On today's program we played audio clips of Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua's chief of Staff Lenny Degnan testifying before the Massachusetts House-Senate Ways and Means Committee. The legislature is considering a measure to allow Lawrence to borrow $35Million and deficit spend. The funniest audio you will ever hear as Degnan tells the committee that he is Willie's "best friend" and teaches us a little about how to do math. he tells the committee that next years' budget deficit in Lawrence is $15Million, meaning that the $24.5 Million deficit Lantigua has been spouting is really a 2010 fiscal budget deficit of $9.5Million. Hear Lenny try to negotiate the amount Lawrence might need and laugh along as we dissect what he told the legislature.
State Senator Steve Panagiotakos (D) Lowell, who sits as chairman of the Senate Ways and Means committee called in to talk about this week's hearing for Lawrence's $35 Million loan. Pangiotakos said that he believes there will still be a control board even though Willie Lantigua has stepped down as a State Rep. and discussed Lawrence's financial future.
Lantigua's resignation last night led to some hysterical moments where he attacked the press and continued to assign blame on Mike Sullivan. Marc LaPlante the Lawrence City Councilor called in to discuss the matter and we ended up the show with more clips of Lantigua's AMAZING press conference at Lawrence City Hall on February.
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Saturday, February 6, 2010
Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, February 06, 2010
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In the first hour we talked with former Lawrence Mayor Mike Sullivan about new mayor Willie Lantigua's attacks on him and Mike set the record straight about the city's budget deficit, the $35 million loan the state is about to give Lawrence.
Audio clips of Willie Lantigua and the Lawrence City Council. Breaking news and more!
We also talked to Jerry Flynn Lowell police officer who organized a protest of the Governor. There is 40 minutes of audio missing in the third hour.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Chaos in Lawrence
Here is some great background as to WHY Lawrence is so broke. Once you read this you will NEVER want to give this administration another dime. Patrick Blanchette and Willie Lantigua are partners in crime... in more ways than one.
Chaos in Lawrence, Just How did Lawrence's Fiances get SO BAD???
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, Januray 30, 2010
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Former Lawrence Planning Director Michael Sweeney, Chelmsford State Rep. Tom Golden and Shrewsbury State Rep. Karyn Polito joined us to talk about Governor Deval Patrick's House Bill 4421, the proposal to give the City of Lawrence Massachusetts a $35 MILLION loan (backed by state taxpayers) with no oversight, no fiscal accountability and no receiver to make sure the money is used properly. Jameson Tomesak, candidate for State Senate also called in to talk about the $35 Million loan and discussed his opposition to the bull without receivership being written into the legislation.
Shawn Hansen came in for a few minutes to talk about his comedy columns in the Valley Patriot and his schedule of events for February.
Paul Murnao talked about his trip to Washington DC for the March for Life and Tom Duggan played audio of the Lawrence Exchange Club's Police Officers of the Year Award this week where Lawrence Officer Chris Bussey was honored (among other officers, firefights and EMT's).
Tom Also talked about police brutality and the justice that sometimes occurs when a cop crosses the line.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, Januray 23, 2010
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Former Lawrence Planning director Michael Sweeney has been laid off after the mayor tried to fire him and the council refused to allow the firing to go forward. Sweeney joined us to discuss the new Lantigua administration and the hypocrisy of Lantigua's speeches when compared to his actions. Lenny Degnan and Pat Blanchette and their shenanigans were prominently featured.
Audio clips of Lantigua that are so entertaining you have to hear it for yourself and City Attorney Ricky D'Agostino likens the sweeney firing to the D-Day invasion of Normandy (NO I'M NOT KIDDING)
In the third hour rock and roll legend EDDIE MONEY called in to chat with Tom about his concert tonight at the Tupelo Music Hall in Salisbury Beach (the old Pavilion)and revealed a bit about his personal life, his road to fame, his daughter's new music career and MORE.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, Januray 16, 2010
In the first hour Tom talked about Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua's second week in office including: swearing in Melix Bonilla as Deputy Police Chief without a vote of the city council as required by law, fired Planning Director Mike Sweeney, Inspector Myles Burke and Recreation Director Linda Schiavone. The City Council's responsibility in confirming the firings, Councilor Grisel Silva's latest outbursts and how she was FINALLY called to task by a fellow councilor, Lantigua's first school committee meeting and how he has already violated the charter and lied to the public about school department lawyers.
In the second hour we took calls from listeners about the Senate race between Martha Coakley and Scott Brown, Callers included Sam Mease, Bruce Tarr, Paula Porten, Paul Avella, Jameson, The Guy From Boston Joe Ligotti, and a Coakley supporter Chris Doherty.
Other topics included: giving money to Haiti, negative ads and the Fells Acre Day Care debacle.
This audio is part of the collection: Open Source Audio
Saturday, January 9, 2010
January 9, 2010
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Mayor Willie Lantigua's first week as the mayor of Lawrence and what was his priorities were coming in the door. Hiring Lenny Degnan, Patrick Blanchette, and a spate of political moves show Lantigua's direction. Joe Leone former Methuen councilor came in and chatted about Lawrence and Methuen.
January 2, 2010
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What is a city budget and how does it work. A layman's explanation.
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Methuen Mayor Bill Manzi calls in to talk about the city budget, new Methuen High School, health care and pensions.
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Description to follow.